Case Results

Murder Case Dismissed

In first-degree murder case, court granted our motion to dismiss on double-jeopardy grounds.

Drug Case Dismissed

In federal prosecution for drug conspiracy, obtained full case dismissal. Client had been facing a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 10 years.

Drug Case Dismissed

In federal prosecution for drug conspiracy, obtained full case dismissal. Client had been facing a mandatory minimum sentence of at least 5 years.

Not Guilty of Burglary

Client found not guilty at jury trial for felony residential burglary.

Rape Case Dismissed

Obtained dismissal of felony rape case. Judge granted motion to dismiss on grounds the client’s former attorney had a conflict of interest.

Diversion in Assault Case

Client charged with four felony counts of assault with a firearm. After the trial court denied two motions for diversion, we successfully petitioned the Court of Appeal to direct the trial court to grant us a new hearing. After we won in the Court of Appeal, the trial court granted diversion.

Firearm Case Dismissed

Client charged with felony firearm possession. Officer testified that he saw our client throw a firearm from a car window. Through cross-examination, we convinced the judge the officer was not credible, and the court dismissed the case for lack of evidence.

Motion Granted, Case Dismissed

Client charged with felony firearm possession. Court dismissed the case after granting our motion to suppress on grounds the police found the firearm through an illegal search.

Domestic Violence Case Dismissed

In felony domestic-violence case, client’s ex-girlfriend testified but admitted during cross-examination that she lied in her testimony. Court dismissed the case for lack of evidence.

Reduced to Misdemeanors

Client charged with four felonies was facing 11-year prison sentence. After we filed a motion arguing the felony charges were unlawful and had to be filed as misdemeanors, the prosecutor reduced the charges to misdemeanors and our client was released from custody.

Not Guilty of Sex Offense

Client found not guilty at jury trial for sex offense that would have required lifetime registration as a sex offender.

Hung Jury, Charge Reduced

After jury hung 7-5 in favor of “not guilty” of a DUI, we resolved the case for a non-driving offense with no jail time and no penalties on client’s license.

Not Guilty of Hit and Run

Jury acquitted client of hit and run, and court dismissed a lesser charge for lack of evidence.

Not Guilty of Theft

Jury acquitted client of theft despite video surveillance showing client leaving the store without paying.

Every case is different and results depend on their specific circumstances. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.